Information for Self-Published Authors

While Toronto Public Library welcomes submissions from self-published authors, we receive a large number of submissions and purchase self-published books very selectively. We are most likely to purchase books of significant local interest or which have received media attention.

Self-published print books

In order to consider a self published book for inclusion in the library's collection, we need the following information:

It is also very helpful to have one or more reviews from objective online or print sources (not paid or customer reviews).

Please email the above information to or mail it to:

Collection Development Department
Toronto Public Library
5120 Yonge Street, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON M2N 5N9

Please do not send a sample of your book. If the selector wants to see it, we will buy a copy.

TPL does not add donated material to the collection with the exception of large or valuable donations handled by Special Collections.

The library does not order directly from websites or pay in advance for material. If you would like to sell your book to the library, you should be prepared to accept a purchase order, send an invoice and wait a few weeks for payment, or make your book available through a wholesaler.

Due to the volume of material we receive, we cannot let you know if your book is accepted or not. If it is, you will receive an order from the library or one of our vendors and the title will show as "on order" in the library website.

Self-published eBooks

If you have an eBook version of your work, you may submit it through Library Journal's Indie Author Project. If your book is accepted, it will be available through BiblioBoard. You can format your book using Pressbooks.

Frequently asked questions about the Indie Author Project

What formats can be uploaded to the Indie Author Project?

eBooks must be in PDF or EPUB format. You can use Pressbooks to format your work.

Will authors be paid for works uploaded on the Indie Author Project?

This free service is available to all indie authors and is royalty-free.

Can I publish my work elsewhere?

The licence signed is non-exclusive, so you may have your work published by other sources.

What if my book is chosen by Library Journal?

Authors whose ebooks are featured by Library Journal can use a digital badge promoting their inclusion to potential readers. Selected eBooks will now be in libraries all over the United States and Canada through BiblioBoard.

What if my book is not chosen?

Authors whose ebooks are not featured by Library Journal can still opt to include their book in their regional collection with other local authors. Authors will not be contacted if their work is not chosen.

How long will it take Library Journal to review my work?

Library Journal will take approximately 4-6 weeks to review works that will potentially make it to their “Library Journal Picks” section.

Will I be able to upload works in other languages besides English?

Currently, only English-language eBooks can be uploaded, as Library Journal can only review English content.

Is there an app for the Indie Author Project?

Currently, there is no app for the Indie Author Project.

How can I get more help?