Majstor Vodopada : Kratka priča o ubijanju : Roman

2022, Book , 140 pages ;
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Summary/Review: "Defined in the subtitle as "a short story about killing", this novel outlines for readers a picture of the Earth in an unspecified but near future: i more...
Summary/Review: "Defined in the subtitle as "a short story about killing", this novel outlines for readers a picture of the Earth in an unspecified but near future: in a society devastated by climate change and political upheavals, turned into a pile of debris and smaller and smaller states, the levels of the world's seas are rising and there is less and less drinking water. Through such a post-apocalyptic world, the narrator-protagonist of Master of the Waterfalls, an unnamed hydraulic technician haunted by guilt, travels. Convinced that his father is responsible for the death of five people, he searches for answers to the questions that torment him: about his missing father, mother deported to her Adriatic homeland, about the persistent silence of his sister... Although he deals with current issues, far-reaching consequences climate change, the fragmentation of state and political communities and the turmoil of identity, this novel hides an unexpected and obscure love story." --
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