Releasing the mother load : how to carry less and enjoy motherhood more

2024, Book , 320 pages ;
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Summary/Review: "Every mom wants to be a good parent—but if you’ve found yourself burned out and overwhelmed trying to be “the perfect mom,” you’re not alone. “We get more...
Summary/Review: "Every mom wants to be a good parent—but if you’ve found yourself burned out and overwhelmed trying to be “the perfect mom,” you’re not alone. “We get handed a rulebook of motherhood without realizing it,” says Canada's maternal mental health specialist and the founder and CEO of Momwell Erica Djossa. “That rulebook comes with an invisible load—a world of mental and physical tasks that keep us pushing toward perfection while barely being able to breathe.” Here she shares a guide to help you break free from the crushing burden of unrealistic expectations and reclaim the joy of motherhood while staying true to your own values. An empowering guide that helps you unburden the load of impossible expectations and reshapes your internalized ideals, expectations, and beliefs around motherhood."--
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