13 things mentally strong couples don't do : fix what's broken, develop healthier patterns, and grow stronger together

2023, Book , 306 pages ;
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Summary/Review: "When psychotherapist Amy Morin first introduced the world to the concept of mental strength with her internationally bestselling book, 13 Things Ment more...
Summary/Review: "When psychotherapist Amy Morin first introduced the world to the concept of mental strength with her internationally bestselling book, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, she showed millions of people how to be the strongest, best version of themselves. Now, Morin turns her expert eye to how couples can work together to grow stronger and have better relationships. Relationships play a key role in mental strength, and partners have the ability to help one another build the mental muscle they need to reach their greatest potential--with hard work and the right tools. With her signature framework, Morin identifies the 13 key mistakes couples should avoid to heal their relationships and develop their mental muscles. Providing resources, original research, and advice for couples looking to grow stronger together, Morin gives readers life-changing steps they can do to improve their own mental strength and work better together as a team. Looking closely at modern-day issues, from social media to the COVID pandemic, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do provides easy-to-implement solutions that can help readers deal with the real-world problems that are distressing today's couples. Readers will learn how to accept, experience, and express love by implementing Morin's concrete strategies to thrive as individuals as well as a team"--
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