Coming Together: A History of Community, Pride and Resistance

About the Exhibit

In partnership with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto Public Library presents, "Coming Together: A history of community, pride and resistance."

Guest curated by Nicholas Matte, the exhibition features protest posters, slogan buttons, artifacts, portraits and ephemera that document the rich history of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Two-Spirited and Queer (LGBTTQ) Communities in Toronto and beyond.

New Film Acquistions

Did you know that you can now place a hold on Nancy Nicol's award-winning films through the Toronto Public Library? All you need is a library card to order your copy of Stand Together, End of Second Class and Politics of the Heart. These films are in DVD format.

The End of Second Class (DVD)

Politics of the Heart (DVD)

Stand Together (DVD)

Contact Carol Barbour, Gallery Curator, TRL at 416-393-7158
For information regarding Class Visits, Tours and Educational Programs.

The National Portrait Collection: Canadian contributors to an out and proud community

Shyam Selvadurai

Portrait: Jack MacRae

Shyam Selvadurai (1965 - )

Writer, author of the brilliant, ground-breaking and internationally acclaimed novel Funny Boy, a story of growing up gay in Sri Lanka.

Shyam Selvadurai (1965 - )

Auteur du brillant roman Funny Boy, sur grandir et devenir gai au Sri Lanka; cet ouvrage précurseur a reçu un accueil international.

carol pope

Portrait: George Whiteside

Carole Pope (1952 - )

Songwriter, musician anti-diva; leather and bondage images were the inspiration for her band "Rough Trade" formed in 1974; with her songs, Carole "seduced the nation's youth and struck a chord with young hinterland homos-to-be" across Canada.

Carole Pope (1952 - )

Compositrice, musicienne et anti-diva; les images du cuir et du servage l'ont inspirée dans son groupe Rough Trade, créé en 1974; par ses chansons, Carole « a séduit la jeunesse du pays et a touché une corde sensible des gais en herbe » partout au Canada.

michelle douglas

Portrait: Laura Spaldin

Michelle Douglas (1963 - )

Army officer fired for being a lesbian; she sued for unjust dismissal and won; president of the Foundation for Equal Families.

Michelle Douglas (1963 - )

Soldate renvoyée parce que lesbienne, elle intente une poursuite et gagne; présidente de la Fondation des familles

svend robinson

Portrait: Maurice Vellekoop

Svend Robinson (1952 - )

Openly gay federal politician; first MP to publicly declare that he was gay.

Svend Robinson (1952 - )

Politicien fédéral ouvertement gai; premier député fédéral à� dévoiler son homosexualité.

douglas stewart

Portrait: Mark Reid

Douglas Stewart (1962 - )

Founding executive director of Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention.

Douglas Stewart (1962 - )

Directeur general fondateur de Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention.

James (Jim) Egan

Portrait: Andrew McPhail

James (Jim) Egan (1921 - 2000)

Pioneer in the struggle for gay and lesbian rights in Canada, activist since 1949, known for his nearly fifty-year relationship with Jack Nesbit and for their 1995 Supreme Court challenge, in which they used the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to challenge the discriminatory exclusion of same-sex couples from pension benefits under The Old Age Security Act.

James (Jim) Egan (1921 - 2000)

Pionnier dans la lutte pour les droits des gais et lesbiennes au Canada, militant depuis 1949, connu pour sa relation quasi cinquantenaire avec Jack Nesbit et pour leur cause en Cour suprême du Canada, en 1995, où la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés fut utilisée pour dénoncer l'exclusion discriminatoire des couples de même sexe privés des bénéfices de pension en vertu de la Loi de la sécurité de la vieillesse.