Renewing Materials

Most items that you borrow can be renewed two or three times as long as there are sufficient copies available.

Each renewal extends the due date by the same length of time as you originally borrowed the item for, e.g. an additional 21 days for most books, an additional 7 days for most DVDs. See the complete list of loan periods.

Number of renewals you are allowed for each item
Item Number of Times You Can Renew Longest You Can Keep the Item
Arduino 0 3 weeks
Best Bet 0 3 weeks
Book 3 12 weeks
CD 3 12 weeks
CD-ROM 3 12 weeks
In Library Use Digital Equipment 2 hours, subject to demand Varies, based on demand
DVD - Feature 2 3 weeks
DVD - Language Learning (including Literacy) 2 9 weeks
DVD – New Release Feature 2 6 weeks
DVD - Non-Fiction & TV Series 2 6 weeks
DVD/VHS 2 6 weeks
Econtent Varies, as determined by licensing agreement
Magazine or Periodical 2 3 weeks
tpl:map passes 0 Visit date to attraction chosen when reservation is made
Music score 2 9 weeks
Musical instrument 2 9 weeks
Picture collection 3 12 weeks
Playaway 3 12 weeks
Wi-Fi Hotspots 0 6 months

The renewal period starts on the day you renew an item, not the original date the item was due. We recommend that you not wait until the last minute before trying to renew an item in case it can't be renewed for any reason. You are still responsible for any lost charges if an item cannot be renewed and is returned late.

How to renew items

Online on a Computer

  1. Sign in to Your Account.
  2. Select the Checkouts section.
  3. If you would like to renew just one item, select Renew to the right (you do not have to check the box on the left).
  4. If you would like to renew multiple items, check the boxes beside each one and select Renew Checkouts at the top of the list.

Online on Mobile

  1. Sign in to Your Account.
  2. Select the Checkouts section.
  3. Select Edit Checkouts to be able to choose what you want to renew.

  4. If you would like to renew multiple items, check the boxes beside each one and select Renew Checkouts at the top of the list.

By phone

In Branches

Why you may not be able to renew an item

Need more help?

Contact your local branch or call Answerline at 416-397-5981